Senin, 01 April 2013

Pertanyaan Keempat Bahasa Inggris bisnis 2

Nama       :  Irma Dwi Wiranti
Kelas        :  3EB03
NPM         :  29210039
Matkul     :  Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

4.   Should goverment spend more money on improving road and highways or should goverment spend more money in improving public transportation ( buses, trans, subway ) why ? use spesific reason and details to develup your essay .
Answer :

         I think the government is better to spend money to improve transportation such as bus and subway trans compared to the government only spent money to improve the highway.
Due to the increase in public transport such as buses and subways trans will speed us to get to work, school or other places we akn headed.

         In addition that we all avoid the breakdown of the capital, due to the number of adequate facilities such as comfort facilities to make us comfortable, then everyone would prefer to choose to wear the transport of private vehicles.

         So my advice is better government chooses weeks to improve public transport than on improving highways just spend the money or the state budget.

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